Love Poetry 3 pre 1914 poems Ballad, To his coy mistress & His last duchess

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It is easy to say that these one part of the tradition of pre-20th century love poetry to what extent do you think that they really are about love and if not, what are they really about?

20th October 2003

Love. It can mean anything, depending on how people look at it. There are so many different kinds of love: love between parents and children, friendship love, or even the simple love that exists between pets and their owners. Having said this, perhaps the most complicated love is that between lover and beloved. In this kind of love, there is room for all kinds of mixed emotions, such as regret, jealousy and insecurity. The three poems that we studied are all part of the tradition of pre-twentieth love poetry. But are they really about love?

In my opinion, love poems should be about the passionate feelings lovers have towards each other. They should express how much the love means to the speaker and also should describe the lovers’ beauty and wonderful characteristics. For example, in the poem ‘First Love’ by John Clare, the speaker compares his lover with one of the nicest images he can find. He says of her that ‘Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower’. He also says that she affects him so much that  ‘The trees and bushes round the place, seemed midnight at noonday’. What he means here is that he loves her so much that, even though it is still light, he is unable to see anything other than her. This is the most innocent of the poems that we read. However, even this poem this full of upset and disappointment. The speaker is physically damaged by the love, is unable to express himself and talks of his heart being stolen.

‘Ballad’ is an even sadder poem, in which there seems to be no evidence of real love at all. All the man really wants is to win the mistress, and even then, not her heart, but her body. She tells us how ‘A faithless shepherd courted’ her. The tone of this line suggests that she is feeling deeply hurt and yet we get the impression that, like many women, she is still in love with him. Although she talks of how ‘when winter night did darkly prove, none came to guard me or to love, which suggests that her lover was not willing to make much effort for her, we still get the impression that she can not forget him. We cannot help feeling sorry for the speaker, as she has trusted herself to someone so unreliable and only realises it so late. When people are deeply in love, they often consider their partner to be the best in the world and can only see their good side. Even their shortcomings are seen at the time as their virtues. For example, the speaker is charmed by her lover’s promise of ‘beds as fine as silk’, when this is only an expression of his dishonesty. In fact, as the poem is about a girl looking back on being abandoned, it is full of negative images of the lover.

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Would you call this then a poem about love? Love lasts forever, no matter what situation you are in, no matter what difficulties you have. The ones who love you are and will always be there for you whenever they are needed. The young mistress, in this poem, is sorrowful, regretting having fallen in love with this betrayer. She is heartbroken, and, it seems, will not have the courage to love ever again. This stranger has broken her heart completely so that it is impossible to heal. The man has stolen her heart as well as her virginity, leaving ...

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