Sheridan Kawley


Who is responsible for the murder of king Duncan?

The story of Macbeth dates back to around 1000 years ago. Shakespeare wrote this play in 1606 around this time a lot of things had happened to influence what Shakespeare wrote in the play Macbeth.

One of the main events that persuaded Shakespeare to write the play was in 1605 when a man named Guy Fakes had plotted to kill king James and all the members of parliament by blowing up the house of parliament.

 This was known as the gunpowder plot, Shakespeare had been aware of this incident and was a close friend of the king so decided to write a play called Macbeth about the death of a king.

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At the begging of the play we are introduced to three witches, Shakespeare thought to and witches because in those days a lot of people believed in things like witchcraft even king James himself. These withes turn out to be a main part of the play because most people would say they are the main reasons to why Macbeth decided to kill the king.

Another vital character in the kings death is Macbeth’s with Lady Macbeth who taunts and emotionally blackmails Macbeth into killing the king some will say she was the main reason behind Macbeth killing. Other ...

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