Macbeth - Character assessment.

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Macbeth Coursework

The Story so far.

The 3 witches have told Macbeth that he will become king. He tells this news to his wife, Lady Macbeth . She starts plotting the murder of Duncan, the king of Scotland. A messenger then arrives at Dunsinane telling her that Duncan will be visiting them that evening. In this scene Macbeth kills Duncan.


This play takes place on stage. The play is set in 1600's in the Scottish Highlands. The stage is bare apart from a bench, a bucket and well, there is a backdrop of the castle at the rear of the stage.

Character Profiles


Stunned at what he has just done

Angry - with both himself and Lady Macbeth

Becomes quite hysterical

Pure shock

Lady Macbeth

Evil voice



Calm throughout

4th witch

very clever & Very evil

A soft blue light falls onto the stage with a white spot light on Lady Macbeth, the light including spot light turns green during Lady Macbeth's speech.

Lady Macbeth sits on bench at stage rear holding a pure black cat.

(A black cat is connected with witches, Lady Macbeth is the 4th witch).

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Lady Macbeth starts to say her speech in an evil, cold, powerful, crackle of a voice. Here she will be talking to her cat rather than herself.

Here she talks of the fatal bellman, this signifies death.

An organ is playing in the background (organs are played at funerals, and signify death, a murder has just taken place).

Macbeth backs onto the stage very slowly almost in a trance.

He turns to face Lady Macbeth

"I have done the deed." - saying this like in complete shock but realisation as much to himself as to Lady Macbeth.

Macbeth: "Did though ...

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