Macbeth - Discuss the dramatic significance of Act 2 Scene 2

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Discuss the dramatic significance of Act 2 Scene 2

Macbeth was set in 11th century Scotland, which was a very violant place. Scotland was very unstable, families were always fighting to control land and people were always invading from other countries.

  Macbeth was born in 1005 and married the granddaughter of the king. King Duncan was ineffective and was killed at 38 years old, possibly by Macbeth. Macbeth was elected king in 1040 and ruled for 17 years. He was a good king who brought stability to Scotland. He was killed on the 15th of August 1057.

  When the play was created England was fasinated by witches and witchcraft. Even the king james I was intreguied by it. So Shakespeare creates the story with witches in it, when there probably wasn't any witches involved at all.

  In Act 1 Scene 2 Banquo receives an offer of a bribe from Macbeth to say nothing about the witches. Banquo refuses because of his loyalty to king Duncan, this hints at a future problem for Macbeth. Macbeth then has a vision of the dagger he might be going to kill the king with. It is leading him to Duncan's bedchamber. He talks to it but realise it is a halucination when he tries to touch it but can't. Dramatic tension is created for the audience, will Macbeth kill the king or will he stay loyal to Duncan?

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  In Act 2 Scene 2, Macbeth returns to the stage after killing the king in his sleep. Macbeth then goes on to tell of the after effects of killing and the disbelief than he has done something so terrible.

  In Act 2 Scene 3 the porter has to answer the door while macbeth is still in shock. More tension is created here, will Macbeth get caught red handed or will he be able to disguise the murder so it looks like the guards did it? And will the body be found? This scene is created to really get ...

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