Gary Thompson                Thursday 27th March 2008

                                Macbeth Essay

        William Shakespeare is one of Britain’s most famous playwrights. He was born in 1569 in Stratford-Upon-Avon. He made his plays available for everyone and wrote them from 1590s to 1600s. His most popular subjects in plays were romance, comedy, murder and historical stories. Shakespeare built his own theatre and named it “The Globe Theatre”, which had no scenery, few props and some costumes. The audience had to use their imagination most of the time.

        One of Shakespeare’s most famous plays was “Macbeth” and was

based on the real king in the Middle Ages, taking facts from the life recorded by Holinshed. He kept most of Holinshed’s story but changed some of it for good drama.

         In the 1600s Queen Elizabeth 1st enjoyed Shakespeare’s plays, and if anything is popular with royalty then it’s popular with the public, but she later died in 1603. Shakespeare then had to impress the new king, James 1st. He wrote about witchcraft because it interested the king, James 1st had written a book on the supernatural called “Demonologie”. Rumours have been spread that Shakespeare used real spells on the play so it was cursed, that is why most people always referred to it as “The Scottish Play” when on stage to avoid tragic events. This kind of subject is very controversial; the audience were all fearful churchgoers. To them, the devil and witches were real because witches were burned and drowned at the time so there were many parts in the play to frighten the audience.

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        In the first scene of Macbeth, the audience isn’t introduced to normal, human characters but witches, which is an instant shock to them. They appear in thunder and lightning, which signifies that they have supernatural power to control the weather and other natural elements. At the time, the audience feared things they did not understand and extreme weather was seen as God’s anger or the work of the Devil. They can’t except that witches could have power over the weather because they believe in the Natural Order, with God at the top in control. Also, in the play, the ...

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