Macbeth is one of Shakespeare four great tragedies

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Macbeth is one of Shakespeare four great tragedies. The witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were all responsible for the tragic events that occurred, to some extent.  The witches were the ones to start the evil as they drilled the prophecies into Macbeth.  His vaulting ambition drove him to perform not only the murder of Duncan but of many others, and Lady Macbeth also had a part in persuading him to do it.  She keeps very calm until guilt suddenly strikes and she then commits suicide.

Macbeth is about a successful military leader whom is presented with prophecies that he would be king, by the witches.  He is then persuaded by his wife that he should kill King Duncan rather than let the prophecy unfold and invites him to his castle.  After doing so, paranoia takes over and Macbeth kills all that pose a threat to him.  His state of mind is deteriorating and he begins to see things such as the ghost of Banquo, whom he had killed.  Malcolm, Macduff and others from England declare war against Macbeth and he is killed.  

The weird sisters (the witches) were the ones to blame for building the horrific events of Macbeth.  They bring a supernatural element to the play along with a sense of evil.  “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”  They want to turn things upside down and to rid all good deeds.  They call on the spirits and open the path for evil to come through.  The witches plan to meet Macbeth and tell him he will be the Thane of Cawdor and will be king.  By planting the idea of him being king in his head, the witches are responsible for him killing Duncan, to a degree.  After encouraging Macbeth to carry out regicide, Macbeth becomes king but begins a tragic killing spree.  He revisits the sisters who predict more for the future.  They tell him to beware Macduff, to fear no one of women born, he won’t be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to his castle and that Banquo’s sons will be royalty.  By giving him these predictions, Macbeth feels uneasy and becomes ruthless in saying he won’t hesitate to murder as he did with Duncan.  “Seize upon Fife, give to the edge of the sword.  His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line.”  Therefore the witches were at fault for killings of Macduff’s family and for starting all of the distressing circumstances.

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Lady Macbeth’s main faults which led to tragic happenings in Macbeth were those of her powerful and manipulative character which persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan.  She gives him courage, presents him with a plan and tells him how they must act to get away with it.  “…look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it…Only look up clear, To altar favour ever is to fear.”  Lady Macbeth also wanted the spirits to take away her kindness feminine tendencies so she could help with the murder.  “…unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top ...

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