Macbeth Personal Presentation

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Hi, in our group presentation I played the first witch.  The part that our group performed comes towards the beginning of Macbeth and it includes the scene where Macbeth is first introduced into the Story.  Because the whole play revolves around Macbeth the scene my group and I acted is important.  As witch one I wanted to portray an image that was very supernatural, and queer.  To do this I personally tried to change the tone of my voice into something fairly squeaky but even then it is important to remember that the first witch is fairly dominating and therefore at the same time I also tried to make my voice strong and powerful.  My facial expressions also tried to emphasize my power over the other two witches and over Macbeth and Banquo.  There was a lot of body movement involved in the scene, like I kept waving my arms about to show that I was different from the normal people that were accepted in society at that time.  As a group we tried to use our space in a variety of ways.  We kept trying to form certain shapes and layouts using our positions to show the paranormal aspect of the whole part.

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 I think that the main reason why Shakespeare used witches in this play was to try and destabilize society.  During the time that the play was written, society was very orthodox and very prejudiced against anything that was different in even the slightest.  The fact that the first time we meet Macbeth is with the witches, symbolises that there may also be something bad and evil about him.  This is proved later in the story when Macbeth kills king Duncan.  

As a group we tried to use as many different drama techniques as we possibly could so that the scene ...

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