Macbeth - plot summary and review

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Chris Diamond


Macbeth is a 15th century Drama what was written by the famous William Shakespeare, this one-of-a-kind artist is famous today for his use of imagery that he uses in a different way in all of his plays. In the 59 years that William Shakespeare lived he wrote almost 40 plays. Macbeth is set around many different themes: Evil in the form of Lady Macbeth, in which we begin to see pure deviousness. In Macbeth: the strong, but cowardly warrior, we see such issues as guilt and conscience come to life and eat Macbeth alive. With this Guilt that Macbeth holds on his shoulders, it leads to one of the most crucial scenes of the play.

At the beginning of Act 1 Scene 5 lady Macbeth is reading the letter that Macbeth has sent her, about the prophecies brought to him by the three witches. The predictions that the witches have gave him, and these are that Macbeth will be “Thane of Glamis”, this Macbeth knows he is. But when the three witches tell him that he will become “Thane of Cawdor” and “King of Scotland”, these predictions surprise Lady Macbeth as well as Macbeth, as he knows when the prediction is made the Thane aswell as the King are still alive. By the time the Letter has been read by Lady Macbeth the thane of Cawdor has been executed on accounts of high treason, and Macbeth is announced the new Thane as he fought well at battle. So this is the second prediction that has come true and she begins to think while reading about the third prediction “King of Scotland.”

Lady Macbeth’s reaction to the letter is that something has to be done, and she knows that the only way for Macbeth to become King is for the old King to die or be killed, but Macbeth is not Heir to the throne. Lady Macbeth then believes that Macbeth is. She believes that Macbeth does have the power to become king but is ‘Too full of the milk of kindnesses. She doubts that Macbeth will betray his friend, cousin and king Duncan.

 As she is thinking Duncan has to die she is given the word that Duncan is coming to stay at the castle, so she realises that it is the perfect opportunity for the murder. She then makes a vicious speech to the evil asking “the night of the dark to hide the murder she is planning.”

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Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth will be unable to become king as he is too kind hearted. She knows that he will need some persuasion. Later on she calls upon the evil spirits asking for help, to make Macbeth the King as she feels she is not wicked enough to persuade him. She knows that if she shows him how much she wants him to be Ruler it will make him see that she loves him and has his best intentions at heart.

While making her preach to the evil spirits she announces that she doesn’t want to be ...

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