Macbeth - Scenes like Act 4 Scene 1 can be staged and viewed in many different ways.

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Scenes like Act 4 Scene 1 can be staged and viewed in many different ways. When Macbeth enters he says:

“How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags”

(Macbeth: Act 4 Scene 1, lines 47-48; by William Shakespeare)

The director could make the actor say it as though he appears very confidant and his tone of voice ordering, or he could say it as though he is very unconfident and fearful. The whole of this scene can be viewed in different ways.

At the beginning of the play, even before we have seen Macbeth, he has been talked of. We hear that he is a brave and loyal man. We hear from the king that Macbeth is brave and noble. Duncan says:

“What he hath lost, noble Macbeth has won”

(Act 1 Scene 2, line 67)

And the captain says:

“For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name”

  (Act 1 Scene 2, line 16)

So at the beginning we get good first impressions of Macbeth, but this changes after he meets the witches.

Macbeth bumps into three witches, who give him three predictions. When Macbeth first meets the witches, in Act 1 Scene 3, he seems calm and says or does nothing, which shows fear. When he is given the predictions, he wants to hear more and believes them because he likes the idea of being king - he is ambitious. The evidence for this is stated in Act 1 Scene 3 where Macbeth says:

“Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.”

(Act 1 Scene 3, line 68)

Macbeths motives for seeing the witches in Act 4 Scene 1 were to find out more predictions. He was scared that someone might take his throne.

The witches tell Macbeth that he will become Thane of Cawdor, than King of Scotland, and also that Banquo’s (Macbeths friend) sons will become kings too.

It just so happens that Macbeth is greeted by King Duncan and is told that he is the new Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then gets wrapped up in the idea that he may become king, next. His wife gives him ideas and soon enough Macbeth kills Duncan, in his sleep. The heir to the thrown would be one of Duncan’s two sons but they flee to England in fear that they will be killed too, and so Macbeth becomes king. He now knows that two of the witches’ predictions have come true and believes that the third one may come true, which he does not wont. So Macbeth gets some people to kill Banquo and his sons, so that Macbeth can be king for longer, he eventually goes on a killing spree.

Macbeth is not in a healthy mental state in Act 4 Scene 1 because he is too busy worrying about who is out to kill him and he is altered by Banquo’s death as well. This scene influences his behaviour in the rest of the play, because he is so worried, he goes to the witches to find more predictions, asking if he will stay as king, or murdered, if he is in danger. Macbeth, later, gets so frightened that he kills everyone that he suspects, either this or he is just power crazy.

Act 4 Scene 1 develops views of the supernatural because the play was made in the Elizabethan times, when people believed in witches and the harm they can do. The play develops the audience’s views by showing how they can manipulate such a strong man, the king.

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After watching this scene the audience would have had a very negative view on witches, because in the beginning of this scene we are shown the gruesome ingredients that the witches put into the cauldron. It shows how inhumane the witches are, that they would go and get these ingredients in the first place. Ingredients such as the “Finger of a birth-strangled baby”, “Liver of blaspheming Jew”, “Nose of Turk, and Tartars lips”.

This scene develops our view on good and evil because we find out a lot more, we find out that evil is starting to prevail ...

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