Macbeth, the Dead Butcher and his Fiend-Like Queen.

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Macbeth, the Dead Butcher and his Fiend-Like Queen

In the beginning of Macbeth, Macbeth is a courageous and loyal character who fights for his King in order to protect him. He and his wife have an ambition to become King and Queen. He is corrupted by the witches prophecies and the strong power of Lady Macbeth as she can easily influence him. She says things like ‘screw your courage to the sticking place and we will not fail.’ It is her  strength first motivates him but after he kills Duncan he proceeds with his own bad ways motivating him, his mind is full of scorpions. He talks about ‘good things of the day’ that are overcome by ‘night’s black agents’, as Banquo’s murder occurs in the ‘last streaks of the day,’ it shows that Macbeth is being plunged into more evil. Macbeth is well respected and praised in the beginning, he is said to be ‘brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name.’ Duncan  believes him worthy to receive the ‘Thane of Cawdor’ title helps spark the ambition so it grows. Also, Lady Macbeth, being a loyal wife believes her husband deserves to be King, but thinks he is too good to do anything about it.

At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth seems like a kind wife but underneath a scheming woman, and Macbeth seems like a strong soldier that will fight with no mercy. He does not even think about his ambition and thinks ‘If Chance will have me king, why Chance may crown me without my stir.’ Then Duncan gives the news that Malcolm is to become his successor, he realises that ‘the Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap for in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires.’  In order to become King he must kill Duncan, that will scare off Malcolm too so him can take his place on the throne. He is led to the witches as he is weak and cannot accept there may be a trick to the prophecies when they say ‘hail Macbeth, thane o cawdor…’. When Lady Macbeth finds out her coldness and evil leads astray Macbeth. He cannot stand the fact he may seem cowardly compared to Lady Macbeth.

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Lady Macbeth is the one who first gives Macbeth the courage to kill Duncan. With her strong will she can assure Macbeth that the plan will succeed. She is so determined because her ambition to become Queen is far greater than of Macbeth’s to become King. Her change of character is apparent from the letter she receives from Macbeth. As she knows that even herself cannot be that inhuman she asks the witches to take away her femininity by saying, “come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts. Unsex me here and fill me…full of direst cruelty.” She on her ...

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