Macbeth: the downfall

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                                    The downfall

In the start of the play we see a man who is becoming more and more respected

because of his bravery and loyalty to the king. He gets promoted to thane of cawdor.

he is happily married and leads a good relationship with his wife. At the start of the play

we find out he is blood thirsty because he cuts sombody from nave to chaps.

"Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chaps".

  At the end of the play we see a very different Macbeth, almost the oppisite of what

we see at the start of the play. The Macbeth we see at the end is disloyal to his

country, people want him dead and he has lost his wife. In the last confrintation

Macbeth and Macduff, Macduff calls him a "hell hound", the toatal oppisite

from the start of the play. Also when Macbeth gets beheaded at the end and Macduff

holds up his head he says "usipers cursed head".

In act 1 scenes 3 and 4 Macbeth takes his first step to becoming evil. When Macbeth

is coming back from battle and passes the heath he sees 3 witches that prophosise his

future. The witches know Macbeth is coming because they know his name before they

meet him "A drum, a drum, Macbeth doth come". When Macbeth gets there they tell him

about his future, but he takes it in.

"First witch: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, thain of Glamis" (this is what he is)

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"Second witch: All hail macbeth, hail to thee, thain of cawdaw." (this is what he is

about to become and he doesnt know it).

"Third witch: All hail macbeth, that shall be king hereafter." They tell him that he will

be king of scotland. Macbeth is affected by this immediatly by what they said.

This is shown because he is speechless. After this Banquo asks about his future

and they tell him that he wont be king, but his son will.

"First witch: Lesser than Macbeth but greater.

Second witch: Not so happy yet ...

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