Macbeth- tragic hero or bloody tyrant?

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Macbeth- tragic hero or bloody tyrant?


In this essay I am going to examine Macbeth’s character and decide whether Macbeth was a hero or a Tyrant. Macbeth was both described by people as a hero which is someone in which is admired for nobility, courage, outstanding achievements. He was also described as a tyrant which means a king with too much power who rules in a selfish way and doesn’t look after the people who live in his country; tyrants also try to gain power through violence just like Macbeth did.

In this essay I am also going to discuss character and action, dramatic devices and structures, the language ideas and themes also the social an historical settings of the text. This will be by analyzing 4 of the key chapters that show Macbeth’s characters change the most. These four scenes will be:

Act 1 Scene 2 –Macbeth’s heroic battle.

Act 1 Scene 7- Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan.

Act 3 Scene 1- Macbeth decided to have Banquo murdered.

Act 5 Scene 8 –The showdown with Macduff

During the time in which Shakespeare was writing Macbeth Scotland was an independent country and totally separate to England. Also during this time A king didn’t have to be the old kings son because Macbeth was not King Duncan’s son, But King Duncan did want to give his eldest son the heir to the throne but Macbeth frames him and his younger son Malcolm and Donalbain. This makes Macbeth the next heir to the throne because he was Duncan’s cousin.

The story of Macbeth wasn’t written from scratch by Shakespeare it was based on a true story with a few minor changes. Duncan, Macbeth and Edward were all real kings. Duncan I was king of Scotland from 1001 to 1041. One of the generals in his army was a noble called Macbeth. In 1040 Macbeth killed Duncan and became king. In real life Duncan was not a good king and popular like Shakespeare’s story.

Macbeth ruled from 1040-1057. Most of his reign was peaceful and successful until eventually one of Duncan’s sons Malcolm killed him in a battle who took over to be king next. The king of England at the time was Edward the confessor. When Malcolm invaded Scotland to kill Macbeth, Edward helped him with cash and soldiers.

Shakespeare got most of the facts of Macbeth from one book “chronicle of England Scotland and Ireland.” He used both this book and other stories involving plots and violence in Scotland to write his story of Macbeth. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in the early 1600s when the king on England was James I. James was also king of Scotland too he ruled there before he came to England in 1603. He was also a descendent of the real Banquo and Shakespeare made his character to be as little like Macbeth as possible, event though the real Banquo helped Macbeth to kill all the people he did.

In the 17th century in the time it was wrote people believed a lot in the super natural they believed in witches and everything they said. This was why Macbeth listened to them, it was only when he spoke to the witches that Macbeth was tempted into actually doing something evil. They say he will become king and immediately he starts to think about killing Duncan, The witches predictions all came true but they never told Macbeth of the consequences are he would have to pay.

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Initial opinion Hero or Tyrant?

My initial opinion on the essay question whether he was a hero or a tyrant is that I think he was a tyrant because he was only a king for being selfish and wanting the throne so he killed Duncan and framed his two sons for it which made Macbeth the next heir to the throne. Throughout the play after he killed Duncan he ruled in a selfish was killing people that had any suspicions that he was the one that killed Duncan including his best friend Banquo and heroes wouldn’t be seen to ...

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