macbeth- where the witches an important role int he play?

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Pre twentieth century drama.


In this essay, I will be discussing the dramatic effects of the witches in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. I will be considering their impact on the audience and the character Macbeth, I will be discussing whether the witches turns Macbeth evil or whether he had it in him already and he used the witches as a pathway to excel in this evilness.

The play Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare it is a tragedy. In the opening scenes, the audience is shown that Macbeth is a great warrior and loyal subject of the king of Scotland. But on meeting three witches and hearing their predictions ‘ all hail Macbeth, all hail thee, thane of Glamis. All hail Macbeth all hail thee, thane of Cawdor. All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter.’ Upon hearing this Macbeth kills the king, his trusted friend Banquo whose son will be kings according to the witches. Then he returns to the witches for the final time. Receiving the news of his fate he goes into battle against Malcolm (king Duncan of Scotland’s son) at the castle of Dunsinaine, where upon meeting with Mac duff is slain and beheaded.

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth c.1606 when it was written king James of Britain was king. Macbeth a tale of assassination and revolt came just a year after the failed attempt to kill James at the houses of parliament, by Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby and 11 other catholic conspirators, after this James ordered a more stable government.

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James was very superstitious and wrote many books; The trew law of free monarch, and demonology. The trew law of free monarchs was on his theory of the divine right of kings ‘master of every person… having the power of life and death over everyone.’  Demonology was about witches and how they could turn the social order of the country upside down disturbing the divine right of kings’ theory. Which just one of the many powers they are said to posses.

Witchcraft hasn’t changed much over the years and neither has people’s belief about it the rich are ...

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