Making Close Reference to Language, Imagery and Verse Form, Consider the Ways in which the Horror of War is Presented in Exposure.

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Making Close Reference to Language, Imagery and Verse Form, Consider the Ways in which the Horror of War is Presented in Exposure.

Does Owen Present this More or Less Effectively Here or in Other Poems From the Selection?

In ‘The Exposure’, Owen presents the theme of the Horror of War mainly through the imagery of the nature; Owen uses the nature to describe the feelings of the soldiers, as well as help to expand their fear and helplessness throughout the poem. Although not as noticed, the use of senses helps illustrate the horror and futility of war, by showing the suffering in detail of what the soldiers are put through, but not explaining as to why they are having to wait, whilst surrounded by destruction.

In the first line, Owen states that the physical atmosphere is attacking them like the enemy would:

“Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that attack us…”

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Here the use of ‘our’ in the first line of the poem creates a sense of empathy for the soldiers and Owen. As well as this, the personification of the winds creates the image that the soldiers are being attacked at all sides, by different enemies. This adds to the horrors of war by implying there is no escape for the helpless soldiers.

Throughout the majority of the poem, the darkness is described as metaphysical:

        “The poignant misery of dawn begins to grow”

By stating that the darkness has forces outside of this world, the reader gains an ...

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There are some good points made here and paragraphs are generally clearly written, using a Point, Evidence, Explain structure. The first part of the question is adhered to throughout. However, much of the analysis is not really developed and there is not enough detailed exploration of poetic devices used and their effects. Owen is particularly experimental with use of sounds in his poems, and this is not considered. Neither is the rhyme scheme (consider use of para-rhyme) and rhythm. The second part of the question is ignored until a brief mention in the final paragraph. It would be best not to include this in the question at all. It is also important to be accurate with poetry titles. 'Exposure', not 'The Exposure'. **