Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

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Sarah Williams

Frankenstein Essay

Chapter 5


Victor Frankenstein is a young scientist who was fascinated and obsessed with electricity and the idea that you could use it to create a human being. He attempts to recreate a human life and creates a monster out of body parts. When it awakes he is so terrified of it and what he has done that he runs away. The monster, seeing his creator gone, leaves the laboratory. He has to learn about life on his own. The first thing that he sees in the world is evil. So the monster starts its revenge on Frankenstein by killing his brother, William, and blaming it Justine, the maid. She in turn is killed for the murder of William. After this Frankenstein vows to find his creation and kill it. He follows his monster all over Europe and Russia and almost succeeds in doing so in the North Pole. Victor dies and the monster runs into the distance.

Mary Shelley wrote the book because she was interested and inspired by the use of science and the consequences of it when used incorrectly or in the hands of the wrong person. She was finding out about the essence of life. I think that the message she was trying to get across was the question “what makes a human?” because if it is just body parts then Frankenstein would have succeeded but he didn’t so it is clearly more than body parts that makes a human being a human.

      In the 1800s there were many experiments being conducted over the use of electricity and a lot of scientific discoveries were being made. In 1802 Luigi Galvani experimented with frogs and believed that he had discovered electricity in human limbs. In 1803 Aldini attached a battery to a corpse of a criminal. In 1818 the first (unsuccessful) blood transfusion was at Guys Hospital in London. At the time many people were interested in science and the discoveries being made.

Edward Jenner discovered vaccination and many people disagreed with the fact that science was messing with God. They thought that using some of the disease in the vaccination to stop from getting the illness in the future was wrong. Lots of people would rather have taken the risk and got smallpox.

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In the 1800s very wealthy and more educated people would see an experiment as a social event and would find it very interesting and entertaining. The picture by Joseph Wright shows a group of wealthy people dressed up in their finest clothes to watch an experiment. It was an experiment on a bird in an air pump. Mary Shelley would have done this and found it very enjoyable and entertaining. It shows a scientific experiment harnessing the forces of nature for man to use. The picture of Blake’s Newton portrays a challenge of creationism showing how the precision of science ...

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