Media essay on Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’

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Media essay on Baz Luhrmanns adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'

Baz Luhrmann has used a vast array of media techniques to attract a modern audience to his film adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. The opening of the film features a 20th century television news report. Luhrmann has chosen to cast a black American female newsreader, contradicting our expectations of a white English cast throughout. We get a very different cast from the one we would predict; Romeo and Juliet are white, as we would have thought, but with American accents. There are some surprising choices from the casting department. Mercutio, Romeo's best friend, is black and acts like a typical 20th century young black male. The casting of the Capulet gang is interesting; they are all Hispanic in appearance and unpleasant in character. Tybalt in particular is named as 'the prince of cats' and has an overpowering air about him. Tybalt's role appears to have been paired with that of Benvolio, as they are the most prominent members of their families. The Montague's are all cast as distinctly white Americans; this diversity in casting seems to reflect our modern multicultural society.

The Montague boys are relaxed in appearance; they wear Hawaiian shirts and act like foolish young men. The Capulets are slicker, controlled and Tybalt especially has a toned physique. We are not given the names of the other two young Montagues or the third Capulet. They are obviously not key characters in the film so naming them seems unnecessary.
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Once the newsreader has introduced the story by reading the original prologue, we are further introduced to the film. The reason a news report is used is that this is a media familiar to any audience and it highlights the serious side of an essentially entertaining film. The news is well known as factual and serious.

From an unremarkable opening we are taken to an increasingly sped up montage of clips from the film. The most dramatic are selected and packed into this short burst to illustrate how the film is to take shape. This is ...

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