memorable moment

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Memorable moment

It was a sweltering hot day and we were on our last moments of our gruelling holiday.

The fiery sun was at its peak as the everlasting walk to the train station was just a few steps away. I could see the crowds of millions of people who were waiting anxiously to depart. A sense of booming heart beats and uneasiness trembled its way into my frail body like water gushing down drains

I arrived at the gouging  train station. I stood frozen unable to budge as I observed the surroundings vigilantly. There were masses of people ranging from small saint like children to old fragile and towering young people. Swarms of flies covered the air like black smoke. The herd of people had tattered torn clothes and prickly unshaven faces. The smell of the polluted air and sweat mingled its path into my nostrils. Amongst those various sized people, I felt like a dwarf.

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 The people anticipated eagerly and gazed towards the spot where the train would arrive. Then an unruffled whispering sound of the train hustled and bustled as I held my brothers hand tightly. The civilian’s faces were trickling with sweat due to the menacing and immense heat, from the flaming sun. The constant jittering movement of the people was like the rapid motion of a mosquito wing. This conflict with the peeps made me struggle to stay together with my family.

The rattling metal bars and a glimpse of puffed smoke, caused confusion upon the platform. The rumbling of ...

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