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                                                 MERCHANT OF VENICE    

The Elizabethan audience was mainly white Christian males who were sexist and arrogant. They expected to be highly entertained and not insulted because otherwise no one would go to any of Shakespeare’s plays. Even though Shakespeare manages to please the crowd he adds some subtle insults like Antonio being seen as homosexual the audience then were very arrogant and thought Antonio was just being a great friend, He also insults the Christians though jibes at their racist attitudes and arrogance.

When we first meet Shylock we think he is obsessed with money because the first thing he says is “three thousand ducats, well” This suggests that he only cares about money.  Here Shakespeare is appealing to the Christian audience because he is portraying Shylock as a stereotypical Jew concerned only with money he is willing to lend Antonio money despite all the mean things that Antonio has done to him in the past He says “You called me a misbeliever a cut throat dog and spat on my Jewish gabardine”

The audience would think this is amusing.  A modern audience however thinks this is sad and mean and feel sorry for him.   Shylock’s beliefs should not get him mistreated. Shylock is Jewish and most people around him are Christians this means that he gets abused. Antonio also leads money “gratis” so Shylock’s business suffers as a result. The Christians would not feel sorry for him because they believe he is taking their money. We would because we know that he is only trying to run a business. We would see the Christians as anti Semitic

Antonio is arrogant because he lends all his money interest free so on one will go to Shylock and all Shylock is trying to do is run a business, Antonio also does not apologies for insulting Shylock and still expects to borrow money from him.  Bassanio is arrogant because he expects Antonio to risk his life just so he can get married to Portia. Shakespeare is showing the Christians to be arrogant, thoughtless people.

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In Act 1 Scene1 Shylock tries to justify having his revenge on Antonio. He makes a powerful speech using rhetorical questions to make the audience see that the Christians have treated him wrongly.  He says “for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe” He tries to show that even though he is a different religion he is the same as the Christians. Shylock says “hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hard organs, dimensions, senses affections, passions?  Shakespeare uses rhetorical questions here to provoke the audience.  He also says “ If you poisons us do we ...

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