Mercutio has a huge part to play in the outcome of Romeo and Juliet. Discuss his importance to the greater story and decide whether he is as important as he thinks he is.

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Shakespeare coursework                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

“Shakespeare killed him off lest he should steal the play from Romeo.”

Mercutio has a huge part to play in the outcome of Romeo and Juliet. Discuss his importance to the greater story and decide whether he is as important as he thinks he is.

Romeo and Juliet, one of the most outstanding stage plays in the world, was produced by William Shakespeare in around 1595. It is one of the greatest tragedies ever produced as it explores and expresses the sensations of love and has the most memorable storylines of all time. One of the most entertaining characters Shakespeare has created throughout his career without a doubt is Mercutio, who is the kinsman to prince Escales and could be argued to be the most significant character in the play. The following argument will bring about the essay that I am writing.

     Mercutio, though he is one of the most influential characters of Romeo and Juliet, still plays the ‘second fiddle’ to Romeo and maybe even Juliet (as it might be suggested by the title). However his intelligence, wit and charisma have a huge part to play in the outcome of the play. This means that it could be argued that Mercutio is as important as he thinks he is.

Mercutio is perhaps the most cynical and poised characters in the history of stage plays. His insolence and irresponsible bawdiness make him a brilliantly effective figure on stage. Love to him is to be treated roughly and his outrageous comments and gestures to the other characters are wittily exaggerated, bringing great entertainment and comedy moments to the play. Mercutio’s main role in the play is to enhance the purity of Romeo’s love by contrast. He acts as Romeo’s conscience when he urges him in to the ball. Moreover the figurative ‘Queen Mab’ speech, where the almost mystical and enchanting midwife ends up as an incubus, shows how Mercutio uses his intellectual ability to allow Romeo to somehow foresee his own death. However his choleric, superficial characteristics and hatred of Tybalt introduces the turning point in the play, as he intentionally provokes a fight with Tybalt, bringing about his own death because of his ignorance.

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Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, Mercutio’s main role in the play is to enhance the purity of Romeo’s love by contrast; “Romeo: Is love a tender thing? Is it too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn.” In reply Mercutio says “If love be rough with you, be rough with love…” (Act 1 Scene 4). He accomplishes this with his bawdy innuendo and the way he treats love, as if he were a thorn in his spine. All in all it is Mercutio’s destructive behaviour that urges Romeo to go to the ball to seek ...

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