mid term break

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“Mid Term Break” critical evaluation

        “Mid Term Break,” is a poem written by Seamus Heaney which has the mood of sorrow. The poem has a very sorrowful mood which is created by using a number of poetic techniques. “Mid Term Break” is about the death of his younger brother Christopher at which he was four years old when he was killed in a car accident. At which the sorrowful mood highlights the metaphorical and literal journey.

        Heaney uses a lot of poetic techniques to highlight the sorrowful mood which is created and not only in the poem itself but the title. “Mid Term Break,” is ironic because the break is described as a happy break as “Mid Term” is with the “Break” which highlights the break being happy. However this is not to be the case. The break is very sad and emotional because of the death of Heaney’s younger brother, which highlights very effectively, the mood of sorrow.

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        Heaney starts the poem with being at school waiting to be picked up:

                “I sat all morning in the college sick bay

                Counting bells knelling classes to a close.”

Heaney use assonance to show the sorrowful mood created by the repition of the letter e in “bells knelling”. Heaney’s use of effective word choice is very good when he uses the word “knelling” to describe the bells. This is very effective as it describes the bells having a very sombre and depressing mood which creates the sorrowful mood of the poem.

        Heaney goes on to explain his father’s emotional ...

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