Miller has written a play which drives inevitably towards tragedy. Explain. (A View from the Bridge)

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Miller has written a play which drives inevitably towards tragedy. Explain.

When the play starts Alfieri describes the are as always having violence, trouble, squabbles which gives us the impression that the play could be quite violent. I think that the area is like that because most of the people living and working there are Italian working class people who don’t trust the law. As Alfieri said in the beginning ‘A lawyer means the law, and in Sicily, from where their fathers came, the law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten’. This gives us evidence that the people are not too enthusiastic about the law.

When the play starts Eddie has his first argument with Catherine about her going to work. Although Eddie seems a tough character as boss of the household, Catherine and Beatrice defeat him in the argument. When the argument started Eddie was using rational reasons for not letting Catherine go to work such as her missing school or the neighbourhood being dangerous etc. All these reasons had replies to them but when Eddie realised that he was not going to win this argument he decided to use an emotional reason to which Catherine and Beatrice had no reply. The emotional reason being that he just didn’t want her to go, to this the women had no reply.

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Then Eddie keeps on warning Catherine and Beatrice that they must not say a word about the two illegal immigrants (Beatrice’s cousins) coming to stay at their apartment. This is the place where Eddie warns Catherine ‘You can quicker get back a million dollars than a word you gave away’. This gives us the indication that Eddie is not foolish but actually quite clever. This also makes us wonder that if he is so desperate to tell the women not to snitch on Beatrice’s cousins, will he snitch himself?

When Rodolfo starts taking Catherine out, Eddie starts getting worried and ...

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