Miss USA

The text Miss USA is a short autobiographical article about the former beauty queen Emma Knight.

Who is Emma Knight?

While reading the text I got the impression that Emma Knight is a woman with her feet firmly planted on the ground. She is not exactly the beauty queen type of girl. Maybe in the way she looks but not in the way she is. Through her life she has never felt very beautiful. In her adolescence she felt awkward and ugly and she was taller than everybody else witch didn’t made her feel any better. So she wasn’t very pleased with herself as you might think a girl who was going to be a beauty queen, a star, an ideal of female beauty ought to be. She tells us that when she was younger she didn’t like competitions and it was also just a coincidence that entered one. Emma Knight did also go to University for three and a half years witch tells us that she isn’t stupid at all either. When she was younger she used to watch Miss America with excitement, she thought it was glamorous and funny but becoming a beauty queen was never her dream. But after she has tried to be a “star” she doesn’t see it the glamorous way anymore. She was bored and it wasn’t that funny at all. She has now become a more self-confident woman but the success hasn’t turned to her head because Emma is certainly not proud to be a former beauty queen. She doesn’t see herself in that way. And the way that she tells us about how it is to become the old queen tells us that here is a strong woman.

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The view on women

I don’t like the view on women which is expressed in the text or in the beauty queen business. The women are just sex objects, just tits and ass as Emma says in the text. They are not expected to have their own political opinion and to have other talents than looking good to satisfy others. The modeling company moves around with Emma like she is a tool to earn money and not a real person. They do not expect her to read her own contract, the breakfast she gets in bed which should be very ...

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