Mothership. The sky darkened as the Mothership released its cargo. Fifty-thousand tons of deathly Duric acid

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Benjamin James Alborough 10wd – English original writing coursework – Mr Prior


The four rising F sharps which hailed the arrival of the Mothership echoed throughout the vastness of space.

The never-ending noise and clamour of men at market, of salesmen trying to earn their daily bread and farmers trying to sell their livestock, men haggling against others and filthy, rough bars in which one could find almost anything one wanted on the black market, all these things which had so filled the atmosphere of the small planet of Mho-Xbectu for hundreds of years immediately ground to a halt.  The inhabitants, a loud, corrupt and anarchistic race, all lifted their heads to the sky at exactly the same time in absolute terror, all trying to convince themselves that the immense iron spaceship above them was not what they most feared it to be.

But their hopes were all in vain.

The sky darkened as the Mothership released its cargo. Fifty-thousand tons of deathly Duric acid, a concoction perfected by the elite scientists of the Great Empire hundreds of years back, which has such a high corrosive power that it could wipe out an entire population in under a day.

As soon as the acid hit the surface, almost half of the Xbectuans were incinerated instantaneously. The acid made short work of their fragile, amphibious bodies, and it was soon attacking their homes, reducing the mightiest stone structures to almost nothing in seconds. It wiped out the forests and animals as it ran over them, and was only stopped after it had hit the ocean.  The ocean life was obliterated over the course of the next few hours, and the vapours from the acid soon killed off any survivors on land.

You see, the planet of Mho-Xbectu was useless to the Empire, due to its lack of resources, and had held out as an obstacle against the empire for many, many years. Numerous attempts to bring it under power had resulted in the deaths of thousands of Empirical soldiers. So the empire was getting rid of it.

After the planet’s defences had been terminated, the Empire was free to destroy the planet. And so it did.

The Mothership glided on.


Deep, deep in the recesses of the galaxy, a man awoke from his slumber. The first thing that came into his mind was coldness,  coldness beyond belief, yet he was alive and it did not hurt him. This confused him. His brow furrowed as he tried to remember why he was lying in bed and why it was so cold. He was occasionally interrupted by a loud scream from a long way away.

After many hours of deep thought he could still remember nothing, and so he decided to explore the place he was in, yet he remained still, and it was then that he realised he was strapped down. There was a knock on the door.        “Morning admittance.” Came a cold, monotonous voice from the other side, and with much labour, the door was slowly pushed ajar with the most horrible shriek the man lying on the bed had ever heard, that was, if he had not heard any other sounds before.

        The man walked carefully closer, making sure not to drop the steaming bowl of whateveritwas, taking measured steps with his eyes constantly fixed upon the bowl.

Presumably breakfast, a voice in his head seemed to say, and it was then that he just realised how incredibly hungry was. He licked his lips and started to salivate, anticipating the warm sensation of food running down his throat. The man holding the bowl however, stopped suddenly, several feet away from the bed, and with one hand still firmly grasped around the handles of the bowl, threw the mixture over the bedridden man’s foul, decrepit body.

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Unimaginable pain gripped the man’s body, every single nerve ending on his body was on fire and he let out a deep, piercing, drawn out intense scream as the liquid covering him was absorbed into his body. Then, as quickly as it started, it was over again. He fell silent and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

The man stood over him and gave him a long, deep look. He pushed the man’s tongue back inside his head and lifted it from its pillow. He stared into the eyes of ...

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