Mount Kumba.

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Mount Kumba

It was the 22nd of February, 2150. Vulcanologist Simon Swan was finishing his study on the mega volcano in Kuala Lumpur when he got a phone call from the president of The united States of America. He could see on the video phone that the president was in distress, she told him, “We have discovered an enormous volcano under the Atlantic ocean” the President told Simon.

“Oh my god!” replied Simon with wide eyes.

“Get back as soon as you can! Please we need your help”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can” answered Simon.

The phone call cut off. Simon rushed to tell his fellow vulcanologists. As soon as he told them there was a big gasp of excitement and anxiety.

He rushed home to pack his stuff, then on to the airport.

As he was waiting in the boarding lounge he was thinking how large the volcano must be and what damage it could be capable of. Then an announcement came over the tannoy that his plane was boarding. As he was boarding the plane, he was approached by a man dressed in a black suit, he gave him an envelope. Inside was a personal letter from the president it read:

        Report straight to the White House as soon as you can.

        President Morse

He boarded the plane and sat down in his seat. He immediately tried to get some sleep, but the cyborg stewardess came around asking if anybody would like a drink, she handed Simon a computer disc. He placed the disc into his laptop, the volcano came up, it was 10.000 metres tall and it had facts about the volcano on the disc. At that moment Simon realised how much damage this volcano could cause.

He went into a daze, thinking, until the captains voice came over the tannoy.

“Hello! This is Captain Cook. We are about to begin our descent into Washington; we should be on the ground in ten minutes. I’ll be back on when we have landed, so sit back and enjoy the flight. Thank you.”

Great! Thought Simon I need to get off of this thing.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have now landed, Thank you for flying with hyper travel and we hope to see you again”

When Simon stepped off of the plane there was a car ready to take him to the White House. When he got there he was shown to the Oval Office. He went in.

“Hi Simon” Said the President. “Take a seat” the President said pointing to the seat

“Ok, thanks”

“We have discovered a giant volcano under the Atlantic Ocean; it’s in danger of wiping out the whole of the north of the country. It must have been submerged when the polar ice caps melted, and now that the climate is hotter they have reappeared”

Join now!

“Oh I see” replied Simon with astonishment

“According to our estimations it’s due to erupt in three weeks. We will have to evacuate people from the north down to the south”

“How are you going to do that then?” asked Simon

“Well it’s going to be hard to evacuate that many people, but we’ll do it somehow”

“Ok then. So when can I see the volcano?”

“I’ll arrange a plane to take you tomorrow”

“Thank you”

“Now you go and get some rest” The President told Simon

“Thank you” he said, he turned round and exited the Oval Office.


This is a preview of the whole essay