Much Ado About Nothing - Elizabethan Women

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Jonathan Harper 2002

Much Ado About Nothing

Elizabethan Women

Elizabethan views about women were very different from views today. Women were seen as one of a variety of stereotypes of women.

Woman as a goddess- the courtly lover placed woman on a pedestal to be worshipped. In the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Hero is treated as this kind of character until she is accused of sleeping with another man.

Woman as an adulterer- virginity was a virtue and adultery an unforgivable sin (for fear of a bastard intruding on line of succession), an heiress who was proved unchaste was deprived of her inheritance. After Hero is accused of having pre-marital sex with another man, she is seen as this type of woman

Woman as a shrew or scapegoat- blamed for the faults of the world. A woman who spoke up for herself was called a shrew and needed taming! This is the type of woman Beatrice represents in the play.

Woman as a wife or a whore- to Elizabethan men, women had just two functions. Either prostitute and bought, or wife and owned

To keep women “in check” the Elizabethans had a set of rules that women were expected to live by. These laws also dictated how women dressed. Hair was allowed to be worn loose before marriage, but after marriage had to be covered by a hood and veil. Queens were allowed to wear their hair long after marriage but only on state occasions when they wore a crown. Widows were required to wear a wimple and chin strap.

Sleeves had to reach the wrist, even in summertime and dresses were always long and reached the floor. Women also had to wear a constricting corset of leather of even wood, which flattened the breasts. However, gowns could have a square neckline that exposed the upper breasts. Queens were restricted by further laws. What they wore was often heavy and bulky.

Once married, a woman’s body and her possessions belonged to her husband and the law allowed him to do whatever he wanted with them. Wife beating was common and was thought a just punishment for an unruly wife. While a man did have the right to chastise his wife, he did not have the right to be cruel or inflict bodily harm. A man could be punished in law or by the community for being cruel to his wife, and in some cases, could be legally prevented from living with his wife. If a wife displeased her husband in any way even if the husband imagined the event, he could turn her out of his house at an instant. A divorce was very rare in Elizabethan times and was only granted by parliament in extreme conditions.

The roles of men and women were very different from nowadays. The woman stayed at home and looked after the family, while the man went out to work to earn a living, or worked his own land. Both husband and wife worked extremely hard, and both roles were as important as the other. A woman had, on average, a baby every 2 years. Childbearing was a considerable honour to women and they prided in it.

Women could be educated by a tutor, but they were not allowed to go to university. Queen Elizabeth even banned women from university premises as she felt they were distracting men from their studies.

Women, regardless of social position, were not allowed to vote. However, men below a certain social strata were not allowed to vote either.

Women could not enter the professions i.e. law, medicine, politics. Neither could women enter the navy or the army. Women could and did work in domestic service, however, as cooks, maids etc. Women were also allowed to write works of literature, though few works by women were actually published. However, women could not act on the stage. Acting was not considered reputable for women. Women did not appear on the stage in England until the seventeenth century. Young boys often played the roles of women in Shakespeare’s plays.

Women could not be heirs to their father's titles either. All titles would pass from father to son or brother to brother, depending on the circumstances. The only exception was, of course, the crown. The crown could pass to a daughter and that daughter would be invested with all the power and Majesty of any king. This allowed Mary, and then Elizabeth, to reign.

The way a man treated his wife derived essentially from the biblical teachings of Paul in the New Testament, and his headship was a loose concept that gave the husband more responsibility in the marriage than the wife. The man was given responsibilities towards his wife, essential in ages when the woman spent most of her years pregnant, and was commanded to love and honour his wife. The idea of a tyrannical husband was completely against the Christian beliefs from which the principal derived. While Puritans may have publicly advocated the submission of women, there is no evidence that their views were the views of the nation.

An infidelious wife was not tolerated. Henry the Eighth made infidelity in a Queen treason because it could threaten the succession. In fact, a wife who was proved to be unfaithful could be executed if the King granted her husband’s permission to put her to death. A wife who killed her husband was guilty of petty treason instead of murder; unfortunately, this offence was punishable by burning.

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Tudor society did not have many avenues open to single women and the avenues were even less following the Reformation. Before then, women could become nuns and look forward to a rewarding life in Abbeys, perhaps be a Mother Superior one day. But with the Reformation, the convents were closed. Wealthy women, heiresses of property, could look forward to being mistress of their estates and wield the power in the community this would bring, but for poor women, the only "career" really open to them was domestic service.

It was not surprising, therefore, that most women married. Marriage was seen ...

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