Munby's Henry V: Full Of Fun

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Munby's Henry V: Full of Fun

Jonathan Munby's version of Henry V has a contemporary battlefield with soldiers running around in camouflage gear and machine guns, and the fields of France are reduced to a metal grill! But do not be discouraged as this so-called metal grill has a few tricks up its sleeve. It could become a steeply sloping ramp dramatically emerging for the exciting battle charge with cannons belching smoke and the rumble of war never far away and then turn into a metallic bridge rising up through pouring rain, under which soldiers wade through water in their modern army clothing.

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The play in its 'techno' feel truly livens up the atmosphere with gunshot's galore, ear-popping explosions and bright flashes of white light. Even if you couldn't understand the English/French dialect you could at least enjoy the 'fizz, bang and pop'.

The night before Agincourt is more important in this play than the battle. The most memorable moment here is when Henry throws off his cloak, announcing himself "Harry Leroy," and still manages to fool the soldier Williams.

Nevertheless Cowan (debut as a leading character) as Henry is quite admirable as he timidly starts his speeches and nearly ...

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