My Scar Story...

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English Coursework

My Scar Story…

By Daisy Townsend

Summer 2003

Seven years ago a night I shall never forgot took place. At the time it appeared to be like any Tuesday evening but

I let out a sigh. “When’s Dad getting home?”

My brother shrugged, paying little attention to me and focusing intently on a television programme that I had no interest in. I glanced at him; his legs sprawled lazily across the sofa and a drowsy expression fixed on his face. Matt rarely looked anything but tired – he was such a lazy person.

“Can we change the channel or something?” I fidgeted uncomfortably in my chair, eager to be doing something rather than feeling increasingly bored, as I was then.


“Can I have some food?”


“When’s tea?”

“Dad says I’m looking after you ‘til he gets back from work, doesn’t he? So just stay here and be quiet. I’m tryin’ to watch, y’know.”

Matt wasn’t renowned for his baby-sitting skills. The fact that we were stuck in the countryside surrounded by woods that made the majority of visitors lost meant that Matt was often the only available – and half willing – person.

I thought for a second. “Can I-”

“Sssshhhh,” Matt breathed, motioning his head towards the television softly. “I’m watching.”

Once again I let out a sigh to show my frustration.

Then it struck me.  Matt was so absorbed in his programme, he wouldn’t notice me leaving. I considered this for a brief second before deciding to slip away. Slowly, I got up.

Matt didn’t appear to notice.

I inched away from the chair, slowly taking one step at a time, a proud smile fixed upon my face that I’d outsmarted my older brother. I sneaked into the kitchen.

The light was off. I wanted to turn the light on but two reasons held me back – the light would immediately shine on Matt and he would notice, and anyway, the light switch was too high for my small frame to reach.

I peered out of the kitchen window. It was dark outside. The sky had turned a clear black, with scatters of stars that resembled diamonds that seemed to be beaming boldly in the sky.

My stomach growled softly and I licked my lips in hunger. Matt had insisted on waiting until Dad got home before we had something to eat, simply because he was too lazy to make something himself. He wouldn’t know though, if I were to get myself something before.

I inched towards the fridge. Our fridge was enormous – just to reach the handle I had to stand on the very tip of my toes and stretch my entire body. Eventually with a considerable pull the door opened. Light beamed onto my face, making my eyes sore for an short second. It lit up the entire kitchen.

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My eyes instantly fell onto the shelf with the chocolate yoghurts, grouped together.

It was obvious that I couldn’t reach them by myself. I swung my arms close to the different levels on the fridge but was still unable to reach them. I bit my lip, considering how I could get the yoghurts. I considered asking Matt but abandoned that thought almost immediately after figuring I knew he’d just tell me to wait.

Eventually I realised the kitchen counters, right next to the fridge, would help me. If I could climb onto the surface, I thought, my arm would ...

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