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Macbeth Coursework Essay
Macbeth may actually stab Duncan but in you opinion is he solely responsible for the murder or are there other factors involved?

The play opens with the three witches on stage, meeting upon the Heath to cause trouble. This sets a supernatural atmosphere because people in those days always thought of witches as a sign on danger and when they saw a witch they automatically thought of them as horrid and nasty. At the beginning, the first witch chants, “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightening, or in rain.” The witches speak in rhyme because they are not human. It’s as though they are chanting a spell. The audience would react to this as if they are scared and might think that the rhymes are actual spells.

     We first hear of Macbeth from the witches. “There to meet with Macbeth.” This suggests that the witches have met with Macbeth in the past or maybe that they have been watching over him, planning to do something to him. By involving Macbeth in the story from the start with the witches makes the audience think more about it and will be left intrigued. At the end of the scene, the witches finish with the words, “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” This message is warning the audience not to jump to any conclusions and not to take anything at face value. It is telling us not to judge a character to quickly and be careful what you think of the story, saying there could be a lot of twists and turns.
    We next hear of Macbeth from the Captain and King Duncan who both praise him, “ for brave Macbeth well he deserves that name…”
“ O valiant cousin, worth gentleman…” Thus shows us that the Captain and King Duncan has faith in Macbeth and praises him for being brave. This also tells us that Macbeth seems to be a good fighter who is well known because they said, “He deserves that name” and “worthy gentleman” Macbeth actually seems to be a strong character with great physical strength. “Till he unseam’d him from the nave to th’chaps.” This tells me that he isn’t afraid to fight, or scared of the horror for example the vile blood and guts. Also, Macbeth gives me the impression that he’s an adamant and set character. Quote, “ As cannons over charg’d with double cracks.” At the hardest part of the battle it seems that Macbeth stayed positive and very eager to keep on fighting till the end.
    Even though it sounds like Macbeth is loyal and dedicated to his King it all could change just like the Thane of Cawdor. “He was a gentleman…absolute trust.” King Duncan’s comment on the traitorous Thane of Cawdor shows how much King Duncan actually trusted in him and saw him as a friend, not an enemy, but the Thane of Cawdor became greedy and wanted more and broke the trust bound between him and Duncan and started war. Thus makes you wonder if Macbeth would ever consider turning his back against the King himself and betraying their trust, just to have more power.
   We first meet Macbeth when he is returning from battle with his good friend Banquo. The first words Macbeth said are “So foul and fair a day I have not seen.” These words are the echo of what the witches said earlier on in the play. When Macbeth says these words he could be referring to the battle, how it’s foul how so many people have died and been injured but yet it’s fair that the Thane of Cawdor has been executed because he deserved what he got due to what he started. When Macbeth and Banquo notice the three witches they seem startled. Banquo seems to be amused by the witches and cannot bring himself to think of them as women, “Your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so.” The witches predict that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, but also how Banquo’s descendants will become kings. Banquo laughs at the witches’ prophecies but notices how Macbeth is amazed because Banquo says, “That he seems rapt withal.” Macbeth seems interested and wants to know more “Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.” When the witches tell Macbeth “All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter” He seems to become confused and wants answers. He seems to have forgotten he has just been fighting Cawdor and doesn’t see how he will become Thane. Quote, “The Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not within the prospect of belief.”
    After Ross pronouncing Macbeth Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth trails off in his thoughts. Quote, “Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs,” This is telling me that he has thoughts about what the witches said to him and knows if he wants to become king murder will be involved ‘horrid image doth unfix my hair.’ He doesn’t like the thought of murder, but he also seems excited by the thought of becoming King and this makes is ‘seated heart knock at his ribs.’ Macbeth tries to reject the fact of murder and declares that he will leave everything by chance, “If chance will have me King, why chance may crown me without my stir.” Banquo shows signs that he doesn’t trust the witches and warns Macbeth as a friend not to dig himself into a deeper hole, “The instruments of darkness tell us truths: win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence.”
    Gathering all this information so far, I think that Macbeth is a good and bad character because even though he has been loyal and trustworthy during the battle, to be King he knows he will have to kill people along the way to make it possible. This gives me the impression that he is a greedy character and only wants what’s best for him. It seems that Macbeth is a gullible character because he believes the prophecies told by the three witches. Even though only one prophecy has coincidentally come true it doesn’t mean that all of them will, so there for I think Macbeth is too easily convinced.
    At the beginning of scene four, King Duncan says, “There’s no art to find the minds construction in the face. He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust.” King Duncan is relating this remark towards Cawdor by how he fooled Duncan, and how you don’t know what a person is thinking just by the expression given on their face. We also know that it seems Macbeth is certainly a gentleman on whom Duncan is building ‘an absolute trust.’ At this point the audience knows that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are planning to do the exact same thing which just happened to King Duncan. So, in my opinion King Duncan is too trustworthy. He puts his trust into people whom he thinks he knows and then they go stabbing him in the back, and betraying him. King Duncan’s comment could also be applied to other characters and events in the play, where things are not what they seem to be, where ‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair.’

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     At this point, Duncan makes an important announcement “We will establish our estate upon our eldest, Malcolm, whom we name hereafter The Prince of Cumberland.” Duncan’s choice of Malcolm comes to a huge shock to Macbeth, because Macbeth was told how he will become ‘Prince of Cumberland’ by the witches and realises Malcolm is an obstacle between him and the crown. Macbeth realises how badly he wants to be King of Scotland and thinks about the bad things he could do. Quote, “Stars hide your fires, let not see my black and deep desires.” This tells me how ...

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