Of Mice And Men

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The importance of this passage, which introduces the closing section of the novel, is that it refers to what has happened earlier in the story and what is about to happen. It represents symbolically the characters, events and ideas of the story so far and prefigures the final tragedy.

The setting is the same as at the beginning of the novel, a clearing on the banks by ‘the deep green pool’ of the Salinas River. In the first paragraph Steinbeck conveys once more, now briefly, the beauty of the natural scene, the paradise from which mankind has been cast out. Now however the circumstances are very different and returning to the same setting suggests a circular movement of events, getting nowhere, but also as a downward spiral. Lennie is in trouble again and more seriously than ever before - he has killed Curley’s wife. The dream he and George shared is already dead.

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There is a disturbance to the scene, ‘a far rush of wind’ and a scattering of leaves, the only sounds breaking the silence. The river’s surface is briefly disturbed, but ‘as quickly as it had come, the wind died and the clearing was quiet again.’ By this Steinbeck reminds us of the smallness and insignificance of the events of the novel. They will quickly pass and be forgotten.

‘A water snake glided swiftly up the pool’, this represents Lennie, ‘twisting its periscope head from side to side.’ Lennie’s vision is limited by his dull wits and he doesn’t foresee the ...

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