Of Mice and Men' is a novel about misfits - people who can't find their niche in society. Discuss

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English essay

“ ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a novel about misfits – people who can’t find their niche in society”.

Discuss the above statement with reference to Lennie, Crooks, Candy and Curley’s wife.

The range of characters and their different personality traits are what colour Steinbeck’s novel ‘Of Mice and Men’. They are flawed with social inadequacies, whether these are physical or mental inhibits, they are shunned by society for being different.

A disability can mark a person as appearing abnormal and irregular. In Lennie’s case it is his mental immaturity and ungainly features, which sorts him as a social outcast. In the opening pages of the novel, the reader is introduced to Lennie. Steinbeck describes his features as ‘shapeless’ and refers to them in several instances as animal-like.

“A huge man…with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little the way a bear drags his paws.”

This description emphasizes Lennie’s inhumanness in the eyes of society. The fact that he is not just likened to a bear, he is a bear reinforces this. His inhuman strength also results in him getting in trouble quite frequently, the reason for Lennie’s and George’s constant roaming from one ranch to the next.

After being chased on from previous jobs in Weed and a long walk to the next ranch they stop at a stream in the Salinas hills. Lennie’s inability to think with reason, means George has to watch out for him constantly.

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“Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggle his fingers so the water arose in little splashes,”

For a grown man and of his proportions, he is childlike and simple; this is seen as abnormal and because of this irregularity, Lennie finds it hard to find his place. His trust in George is unwavering and like a child, he imitates him at every opportunity. Lennie also has an insatiable need to ‘pet’ soft objects and a desire for comfort. As they walk to the ranch Lennie picks up a dead mouse. He exclaims; “ I could pet ...

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