Old man and the sea essays. In the book " The old man and the sea" by Ernest Hemingway we are introduced to the main character, Santiago. Santiago showed that he possessed three characteristic traits

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        In the book " The old man and the sea" by Ernest Hemingway we are introduced to the main character, Santiago. Santiago showed that he possessed three characteristic traits through examples throughout the story. Santiago showed that he possessed the trait of resourceful simplicity through his life as a fisherman. Santiago showed that he possesed  the trait of ambition through the great struggles that he endured without complaint. Finally, Santiago showed that he possessed steadfastness through his realtionship with the boy. In "The Old Man And The Sea", Santiago shows that he possess the characteristic triat of simplicity, ambition and steadfastness.

        Santiago lived an extremely simple and life as a fisherman. Although sometimes he wished for some of the modern conveniences others had such as fishing poles or a gas engine, he knew he was able to do without them. Other fishermen had radios to pass the time while all Santiago had were his thoughts and sometimes the conversations he had with the boy. The sail on his boat is torn and tattered, consisting of a heap of rags that are stitched together. Although a nicer sail would have helped him sail faster and would have been more reliable he knew that he could get by with the one he has. The old man asked for the help of no one, for he was very resourceful did fine without the others. Santiago learned how to make due with the supplies and equipment that he had on hand at the time. On the boat while he is battling the mighty fish, he is able to deal with limited food and drink. When he realizes that he may be out at sea for a longer time than he expected he rations his supplies while using the remaining fishing line to catch some fish which he can use to supplement his daily rations.  From these examples we see that Santiago used his resouscefulness to make due with the simple life that he lived. And even though he did wished for some of the modern conviences in life he realizies that he does not really need them and is thankful for what he has.

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        Santiago displayed ambition through his concertration on his goal while under the pressure and stress of problems that arose. While battling the marlin he always keeps his eye on the goal, and tried figure out new ways to get through the tight spots. Even when it seem that all hope was lost, he continues to persevere, in his goal of catching the marlin. When he is out at sea his hands begin to cramp, and it looks as if he has to give up the fish, but he decides to endure the pain in a hope that he may strive ...

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