On the sidewalk bleeding continuation

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He was still running. Would they find him?  He did not know. He was scared, it was his first rumble and he regretted every minute of it, the argument, the fight, everything.

        He, Tom, was a murderer. What have I done? He thought this to himself. It felt like a bad dream; maybe he’d wake up soon. He had killed that poor boy just because he was a Royal.

                Tom was a Guardian and right now he regretted ever becoming one. The night he joined he had been drinking and they told him he ‘looked hard’. Tom thought they liked him and generally wanted him in the ‘gang’. Now he knew they had just used him to hurt the Royals.

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                Tom reached his front door and delved into his pocket for his door key; it wasn’t there. It must have fallen out during the fight. He didn’t want to knock, because he would have to wake up his parents, so he ran round to the back of the house and climbed up the pipe next to the garbage.


        Fortunately, his bedroom window was open and he climbed through. He threw himself onto his bed.

Tom was scared. He didn’t want to go to prison. He just wanted to be happy. He wanted to turn back the clock. ...

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The writing in this piece tends to abide by the rules of the English Language and in this way it would gain some marks; however as a piece of creative writing it is not interesting or imaginative enough. The focus is too much on the plot and not enough on the development of a piece of writing people would enjoy reading because of the levels of description and imagery created. 3 Stars