Original writing

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GCESE English- Original writing coursework.

The soft, golden cascades of sand stretched across the horizon meeting halfway with the heavens. The turquoise waters like a glistening mirror, reflecting the white candyfloss clouds that lazily and sleepily hung in mid air. Against the blueness of the sky, the sun beamed its gracious rays upon the serene surroundings of Gods creation. In the distance tourist could be seen jostling, trying to capture the first pictures of the towering Burj-el-arab which stood majestically towering over the landscapes that stretched for miles on end.

 Children screaming, splashing water to their hearts content. Their parents keeping a watchful eye while soaking the warm rays from the September sun.

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A gentle breeze caressed the landscape sweeping its weak grains of sand that looked like dancing fairies. That afternoon on the sixteenth of September time stood still. Four pm the whole landscape and its inhabitants seemed to have fallen into a deep hypnotic sleep. And whilst all appeared as quiet as quiet can be, a massive formation of clouds rolled in from the west like an army ready for battle. Not a wink, not a bird, not even an insect felt this light change, but on the huge glass panels of Burj-el-arab  the cumulus was sucking every glint of light, ...

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