Original Writing - Robot Progress Update

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Original Writing.

Robot Progress Update

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Robot Progress Update Report.

Date: Thursday 20th October 2050.

        Since the last invention of the robot, the team has been working hard to make the new one better than the first one. The team has read the feedback from the public about the last robot and now we are trying to add new and better features and maintain the successful features from the previous robot.


        Many people thought that the last robot was; slow, the battery didn’t charge for long, it was too noisy and it sometimes did not understand the customers’ commands. To solve these problems an engineer has made the speed double from 5 miles per hour to 10 miles per hour. Also, the engineer has now inserted the new non sound software into the robot so that the robot wouldn’t make a noise when it was walking. The last mechanical robot had trouble to understand commands because it had trouble understanding the voices. One lady was quoted saying that she commanded the robot to get her a “wee biscuit please” and the robot got confused and ending up doing something else! To fix this problem we have inserted more types of languages and accents so that the robot can understand the language the customers are talking in. Having inserted more languages the product can now retail worldwide.

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Functions that are working well:

The robots ability to never get tired is still working as well as last time; we know this because the team tested the robot for 14 hours by telling it commands every 10 minutes. It still obeys all commands and never goes to sleep.

Improvements being worked on and new ideas:

        After reading the feedback from the customers, many have suggested that the robot should be able to complete children’s homework. The team has discussed this thoroughly and have come to a decision that the robot should do homework for ...

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