Origional Writing

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        Original Writing         

An almighty ‘crack’ shattered the night like a stone through a pane of glass. Holly woke immediately, and shot up. She looked around, but it was too dark to see a thing, she fumbled in the dark for her lamp and flicked it on. Her room now lit up, she looked round the familiar surroundings for the source of the noise. The room was exactly as it had always been - messy – she looked again, she was certain that she had heard something, something loud. Holly was quite proud of being a deep sleeper, she could sleep through almost anything, but something had awoken her.

She decided to see if her parents had been woken too. Cautiously she opened her door and tip-toed across the landing to her parents room. She put her ear against the door and listened, she could hear her father snoring softly. Maybe it’s just my imagination or a bad dream she thought, she turned to return to her room, and something brushed against her leg, she froze instantly. Terrified she looked down, the thing was small, maybe it was harmless then ‘the thing’ meowed. Holly wondered how she could have been so stupid, it was only Tibbs “hello you dumb cat” she whispered. She smiled, the stupid cat had probably jumped on the table and broken a plate

Holly returned to her room quietly with the cat following.  She yawned and climbed back into her bed.  The cat jumped on and meowed. Holly stroked it and flicked off the lamp. She closed her eyes …

‘CRACK’ the cat scarpered in fear, Holly woke once again, this time certain the noise wasn’t her imagination – her imagination didn’t scare cats. The noise had seemed louder this time, was something getting closer? She flicked the lamp on, got up and yawned, she crossed her room and pulled back her curtains only to see that the sky was the same colour as before, Holly moaned aloud – she was tired and needed some rest. She sat down on her bed, and softly massaged her temple

The strange noise, having no care for Holly’s feelings whatsoever, resounded yet again, with a mighty ‘CRACCK!!!!!’ followed by a soft thump like a bird hitting a window. Holly cried a bit for she was exhausted, then got hold of herself and crossed to her window. If the cat was playing in the bins again she would … Holly looked out the window her eyes widened with shock and fear, she dived under her covers, terrified.

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A few minutes passed.  Holly worked up the courage, and slowly left the safety of her bed. She didn’t know why she was so scared, but it was the way she was stared at. She couldn’t look back out of the window yet, she couldn’t sleep now either, her curious side wanted to know what had happened. For one thing the cracks had stopped now.

After several minutes she worked up the courage, and peeled back the curtains a little, to her relief she saw the strange boy was no longer staring at her, the boy was looking ...

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