Performing Arts in Context Log Book West Side Story, The Romeo & Juliet (Baz Lurhman Version) And The Original Version: Character Analogies

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                                Voice 1 Log Book

Vocal/ Physical Warm-Ups for Actors and Speakers

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Do this 5 times.
Inhale through the nose, filling lungs to 90% capacity, and then quickly fill up.
Exhale with a relaxed a-a-a-h. Do this 5 times.

Stretch your neck to one side (ear to shoulder), then the other. Do this twice.
Stretch your chin to your chest, then back. Do this twice.
Stretch all the way around (chin to chest, shoulder, back, and chest) 5 times each way.
Shake all over, like a wet dog, starting from the top and working down.

Say "hah," "he," "hi," "ho," and "huh" from your diaphragm.
Say each of your vowels from head to toe, toe to head, as if the sound is coming out of those parts of your body.
Say each of your vowels as if it is coming from you mouth only, then nose, then eyes, then top of the head.
Say each of your vowels from your facial mask (your whole face).
Say "b-r-r-r-r" as if you are a race car. Do this several times.
Say "gutter, butter, butter, gutter, good blood bad blood, good blood, bad blood red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather"
Say "The Swiss wrist watch sank swiftly" 5 times.

Good Posture:

An exercise for practising is to pretend that you are supported with a ‘metal rod’ going through the top of your head and through the back of your body down to your ankle; this is the ‘Alexander theory’. Something also similar is to imagine that you’re a puppet dangling on a single string attached to the top of their heads.

Research for My Chosen Monologue

The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 movie, written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The film stars Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis "Red" Redding.

This movie is primarily about Andy Dufresne's life in prison after being convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his protests of innocence.


Theatre in Education Log Book

In theatre in education we have been progressing on the play ‘Romeo & Juliet’. We have chosen as a team to produce the play in the style of ‘Goths & Chavs’ and the conflict will be a cause of trend.

The Uses & Role of Theatre in Education

  • High quality, entertaining and educational performances for young people
  • Expertise in Drama with disaffected and disadvantaged teenagers
  • Facilitating forums and workshops with all ages
  • Storytelling and story-making
  • Environmental site specific theatre
  • Community theatre with adults
  • Training workshops and courses for teachers, youth and community workers
  • CPD training for all Council staff
  • Drama networks and conferences
  • Educational drama & theatre research and evaluation
  • Teachers resource booklets and advice
  • Hire of props, costumes and resource boxes
Join now!


Action Plan

Rehearsal Schedule:

  • Every Monday (2pm until 5pm)
  • Wednesday (1pm until 4pm) If possible
  • Any spare time we have i.e. when lessons cancelled or days off

Props & Costumes Needed:

  • Burberry Caps
  • Cheap Gold Necklaces
  • Sovereign Rings
  • Big Looped Earrings
  • Long Black Leather Coats
  • Big Black Boots
  • Black Clothing
  • Knives
  • Block To Be Sat on
  • Road Signs (For the fight scene – opening scene)

                        Performing Arts in Context Log Book

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