Persuasive Writing Coursework:Fox-Hunting Speech to be Read out at in Protest to a League Against Cruel Sports City Rally.

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Sarah Merchant

10KAW English Draft

Persuasive Writing Coursework:

Fox-Hunting Speech to be Read out at in Protest to a League Against Cruel Sports City Rally.

So YES to fox-hunting. Fox-hunting is a humane, natural, and traditional way of

controlling the fox population. If certain culling exercises did not take place the number of these pests would dramatically increase. Do you really wish our beautiful country to be over run with pests and vermin? These animals murder livestock, cause havoc to farmers and scavenge in cities. As one of the main anti-hunting groups in the UK, the League Against Cruel Sports, is presumed to put animal welfare at the centre of its argument against the activity. This is rubbish.  Five people have left - two of whom are chief executives - in protest at the League’s disgraceful behaviour, ridiculous statements and unruly protest tactics.

Fox-hunting is a way of naturally decreasing the fox, mink, deer and hare populations. Master of the Fox Hounds Association Hunts is regulated by strict and detailed rules which hunt officials must obey. The standard of behaviour of followers has long been governed by an informal code. For this reason, hunting's conventions, and the responsibilities of its followers, are set down in the code of the fox-hunters. The followers of fox-hunting are not blood seeking, death hunting, murderous members of the population. They are, infact, traditionalists who care for the environment and wish to preserve a practice that has take place for hundreds of years.

There are three main rules for people who take part in fox-hunting:

Foxhunting as a sport is the hunting of the fox in its wild and natural state with a pack of hounds. Nothing must be done which in any way compromises this rule.

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Hunting exists entirely because of the goodwill of landholders and farmers. No-one who goes hunting should do anything that might jeopardise this goodwill. It must be remembered that for most of a day's hunting you are a guest on someone else's land. Fox-hunters take care not to damage property, crops or livestock of the farmers and landowners.

Masters of Foxhounds, who are in charge of the hunt or their appointed deputies, are solely responsible for the conduct of each day's hunting and are bound by the strict rules and instructions of the MFHA. Their authority is absolute and their ...

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