Physical Journey

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Authors represent journeys through different ways in different texts.  Most representations on journeys through texts focus on insights. Insights that authors may use are; lessons can only be learnt from the physical journeys of others if responders are engaged, a physical journey may involve heading into the unknown, some sacrifices are made to accomplish a physical journey, a physical journey is a positive concept, lead to a positive inner journey, a physical journey often involves learning lessons about life and a physical journey often requires movement from one place to another. Authors use techniques to represent physical journeys. Techniques can be used in many ways and as strong or as subtle as authors need. They are metaphors, descriptive language, dialogue, tones, characters, video footage, imagery, environments, physical bodily changes and others. The to be used are ‘the road not taken’ ‘away’ ‘Jesse’ ‘first lady’ ‘on journeys through states’ ‘?????” these texts are examples of how most authors represent the main focus of a issue.

The road not taken is a poem that tells the story of a man who come to a time in his life when he has to make a decision. This text supports the idea that a physical journey heading into the unknown, & some sacrifices and choices may have to be made to accomplish a physical journey. The author shows us this through, emotive language, reflective tones and metaphors. An Example of the emotive language is “and im sorry I could not travel both” in saying this, the author can position us to understand that man has thought about both roads, and he might be a little regretful that he did not travel down the other road.. An example of the reflective tones is “long I stood” this shows us that he is in on a journey, maybe contemplating whether he should continue. An example of a metaphor is each stanza and basically the whole poem. An example of a stanza is

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 “I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by

And that has made all the difference.”

In this last stanza, it tells the reader metaphorically that the man had been on a journey and that he successfully made it through. The author has used these and other techniques which emphasizes the insights. Imagery is typically one of the techniques authors use to demonstrate physical journeys. In this poem imagery was used so the effectiveness of the poem captures our imagination.


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