Pip and Magwitch in the early chapters of Great Expectations

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In the early chapters of the novel we are introduced to pip who is a lonely,

poor and vulnerable character. He is also the main protagonist as he is

the one narrating the novel in first person. Pip is a lost soul with all his

family dead apart from his sister and brother in law the play opens to him

in a graveyard placing flowers on his families grave.

The scenery behind him is dark, dull and miserable this setting refers

to how pip is feeling, this is called pathetic fallacy, dickens also refers to

pip in the early chapters as a "small bundle of shivers" this really sums

him up at this stage, shivers is a cold and frightening word this creates

sympathy for him and makes the audience feel a connection with him.

We are also in introduced to the convict (Magwich) in the early
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chapters when he rages up to pip and grabs him showing his anger the

quote that shows this is "he took me by both arms, tilted me back as far as

he could hold me" this show pips fear and anxiety but mainly shows

Magwichs power and control, the audience feel scared for pip and are

also intimidated by the convict, another quote to present the two is "keep

still you young devil or I'll cut your throat!" this quote is very powerful in

the way ...

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