Planting a Sequoia

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                        Commentary on Planting a Sequoia

Planting a Sequoia is a poem written by Dana Gioia.  The poem is about a father whose son had just died. He and his brothers bury the child in the orchard and decide to plant a tree on the grave to follow the Sicilian tradition. The narrator of the poem is the father. The poem is written in the 1st person. The Father plants a Sequoia tree in the place to celebrate the death. This is against the tradition because Sequoia trees are not seen as useful trees. The tree symbolizes the son and you see this because the narrator treats the tree as if it was his son.

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The first stanza is about just after his son has died and he and his brothers are burying the son. This stanza contains very dull imagery. An example of this is in line 3 when the narrator says “rain blackened the horizon, but cold winds kept it over the Pacific”. This quote sets the overall atmosphere of the poem. It indicates that winter is coming and depicts a very miserable and negative image. The weather and the seasons represent how the narrator is feeling at that point in time.

In the Second Stanza the mood stays negative with more ...

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There are some very apt points made in this response but as a whole essay it is underdeveloped and does not explore the text in enough detail. The writer should consider the structure and form and how it is used to shape meaning. There should be further language analysis. 4 Stars