Poem Comparison

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“Discuss how any two poems you have studied explore the theme of love paying particular attention to form and structure rhythm and metre, language and any other important poetic devices.”

In this essay it will compare different poetic devices the two poems use to explore love. I have chosen to compare “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning written between 1812 and 1889 (the Victorian period) with Shakespeare’s “Sonnet XVIII” in 1558–1603 (the Elizabethan period.)

Both poems have the theme of love; however they are different types of love. In Porphyria’s lover the love that is talked about is deranged and twisted: “In one [...] and strangled her.” This poem also suggests a possessive obsessive type of love for example “That moment she was mine, mine, fair.” The message of this poem seems to be that ‘the lover’ does not want to lose Porphyria so it’s so twisted he would do anything to keep her there forever. Social content is very important in Porphyria’s lover. As it was written in the Victorian period, social classes were evident. Upper class stayed upper classes; lower class stayed lower class and middle class stayed middle class. The only exception was marriage however it was rare for social classes to mix. It is clear in the poem that Porphryia is from a higher social class than ‘the lover.’ “From pride, and vainer ties dissever.” Although it does not tell us what the ties are, we could assume they are social ties. For example Porphyria is the one going to meet the lover and leaving him at the end suggesting she has another life. Their affair is set in the middle of nowhere in a cottage to obviously to hide the adultery they are committing.  

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In Sonnet XVIII rather than the mad things love makes you do, love is viewed as something beautiful. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Shakespeare’s idealistic view of love, summer is beautiful however she is more than beautiful. Love is not seen as something that is destroyed by death, “Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shad, when in eternal lines.” Instead it is seen as something eternal, “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.” This is clearly the message Shakespeare is trying to ...

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