Remind yourselves of Act two, Scene two and Act five, Scene one of Macbeth. How has Lady Macbeth's character changed by the second of these two scenes?

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Jordanne Young           Remind yourselves of Act two, Scene two and    30.4.2002

Act five, Scene one of Macbeth.

How has Lady Macbeth's character changed

by the second of these two scenes?

Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' not only sees the downfall of Macbeth, but also his wife, Lady Macbeth. According to the Great Chain of Being, women in Jacobean times were not thought of as powerful. However, Lady Macbeth is an exception. When we first encounter Lady Macbeth she is dominant, determined and a little frightening due to her ambition of being Queen. However, this changes and she breaks down towards the end of the play, killing herself.

Lady Macbeth provides a mortal link between the supernatural and reality from the beginning of the play. 'Hie thee hither, / That I may pour my spirits in thine ear.' This causes the audience to immediately see her as evil. This quote is also spell- like because Lady Macbeth is calling on Macbeth to hurry home, so that she can brainwash him with murderous thoughts. A few speeches later, Lady Macbeth summons the spirits to 'unsex me here.' This tells us that Lady Macbeth is prepared to sacrifice everything, even her femininity, to fuel her murderous intent. Lady Macbeth's large speech shows how sure she is of her power. 'Under my battlements.' She speaks as if she owns the castle but it is Macbeth's. She also makes the decision to kill Duncan without consulting Macbeth, making it Duncan's 'fatal entrance'. In her husband's letter, he calls her 'my dearest partner/ of greatness'. This shows their equality, which is unusual in this era. It also indicates the influence Lady Macbeth has on his life.

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Lady Macbeth wants to be queen like Macbeth wants to be king, but they both want to obtain it in different ways. Lady Macbeth is more ambitious than Macbeth, who would rather leave it to fate. Lady Macbeth recognises that deception is the best way to obtain kingship. 'Look like th' innocent flower/ But be the serpent under't.' The imagery used here is linked to the Garden of Eden because the serpent was the devil. This is what Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to act like with Duncan.

In Duncan's murder scene, Lady Macbeth is definitely the stronger of the ...

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