Repeating the past in The Great Gatsby

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Repeating the past in The Great Gatsby.

In The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald explores a very personal past, that of Daisy's relationship with her former lover, Gatsby. Daisy met Gatsby before he went away to war and she fell in love with him. When he went away to the war this relationship receded into the background, but it did not disappear. During this time she met Tom, whom she married. When Gatsby comes back into Daisy's life he tries to return to the past. At the same time Tom is trying to deny the past and hold on to his present life with Daisy.

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When Nick tells him that he "can't repeat the past" he says "Of course you can". Unfortunately for him it's not that simple. His eventual downfall occurs because he cannot accept the fact that Daisy's present relationship will be a part of any future relationship they might have. The first time Daisy's present life with Tom enters into their relationship is when Gatsby meets their daughter. She serves as a physical reminder of their relationship. Nick tells us that he didn't think Gatsby had believed their daughter existed until he saw her himself. It is made worse for Gatsby ...

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