Response to an article by Andrew Foy on US Healthcare Reform.

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Response To An Article

The Healthcare Bill is probably the most important reform the congress of the United States has approved in over twenty years, granted, one of the most polemic subjects the country has encountered. The reform consists of providing medical care to people who do not have insurance. Republicans all over the country have protested endlessly, complaining about how this is a violation of people’s rights and the country’s principles.  

Critiques towards the reform, such as Andrew Foy’s, have invaded the media. His article quotes the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal […] Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Every single person in America is entitled to such “Natural Rights”. However, what happens to those rights when people and their families lose their lives because they can’t pay for medical treatment? Should we alienate people from their rights simply because they are less fortunate? Denying health from certain people, is not only being racist, but also violating the Declaration of Independence itself. It is shocking how the United States of America claims to be the most developed country when people question the most basic human right: The Right To Life.

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Secondly, people against the bill are concerned about how this is a socialist motion. Foy refers to the Health Reform as “Government programs that involuntarily transfer or redistribute wealth.” Socialism in its simplest definition is when industry and resources are owned and controlled by the state or a collective of the people.  Achieving Universal Healthcare would hardly make the United States a socialist society; it would merely mean they have achieved a better level of general welfare providing access to medical care for everyone. Good examples of that are countries like France and Sweden, which have the best health ...

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