Rise and fall of macbeth

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Kelly – Ann Leighton

Macbeth: Tragic hero or Tyrant?

I am going to write about the evidence I have found to say that Macbeth was a tragic hero. This will include influences from the witches and Lady Macbeth who had a big impact on turning Macbeth into a Tyrant.

At the beginning of this play, Macbeth is a successful warrior in the Scottish army. Against all odds, he defeated Irish mercenaries and the arch-rebel Macdonwald. This shows that Macbeth has great loyalty for his King and country. The king regards Macbeth highly and has a lot of trust and respect for him; he calls him a valiant cousin. This also gives the audience a good impression of Macbeth even though they have yet to see him.

In act 1 scene 3 Macbeth encounters the three witches, who tell him the prophecies that he is to become Thane of Cawdor and later will be crowned King. Macbeth has been deliberately influenced by the supernatural powers of the witches. Later in the scene, Ross informs Macbeth that he is now Thane of Cawdor. This confuses Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor still lives: why do you dress me in borrowed robes? This is the first sign of Macbeth’s downfall. The original Thane of Cawdor was a traitor to Scotland and was killed; later Macbeth also becomes a traitor. Macbeth speaks of ambition in this scene. ‘Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor, the greatest is behind’. He is saying that what the witches have told him has come true and the greatest thing is yet to come i.e. becoming King. Macbeth begins to think of his future and is not happy that King Duncan has named Malcolm as his successor to the thrown.

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Act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth now comes into the play and is worried that her husband is too weak to become King. A messenger informs her that King Duncan will be coming to stay at the castle and this she sees as an opportunity to kill the King. Lady Macbeth wants to be the voice that argues with Macbeth’s conscience and persuades him that they should kill the King. She calls upon the spirits of darkness and asks them to take away all that makes her a woman. She wants to be made insensitive so that she can ...

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