Roll of Tunder Hear My Cry

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Roll of Tunder Hear My Cry Essay

By Nam-Khoi Nguyen

        In the rural Mississippi of 1930 in Roll of Thunder Here My Cry, there seemed to be a severe problem with racial prejudice and discrimination against blacks. The blacks had the most minimum and low education. They barely had many job opportunities, and the jobs they had were low pay. They were never treated equal to the whites and were always kept down.

        Education had always been a major problem with the blacks in rural Mississippi. Blacks had leftover used materials like books, tables, chalk, chairs, and even boards that were once used by the white when they were new or working like when Little Man had gotten an old rugged book. The black children at school generally did not get new materials and were usually old, rugged, ripped, and dirty. The whites at Jefferson Davis school normally got two buses to ride and to come back from school, while all the black kids at Great Faith had to walk to their school, and also walk back to home. The books the black kids got at school only had pictures of white children and people, and did not teach about any black history and slavery at all so teachers were not allowed to teach any of it. All the blacks started school in October ending in March, but on the other hand, white children start school on August and end at May. The white children’s school day also lasted longer than the blacks, providing them with more time for education at school. Most black children did not get the minimum education they needed and were provided with the poorest and least quality of materials.

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        Social interaction between blacks and whites was an issue in Roll of Thunder Here My Cry. Blacks were considered as the lower class compared to the whites and were always kept down. The whites get first service while the blacks have to wait until they served even if they asked for it before other white people in need of service, for example, like when Cassie was at the Strawberry market and she was waiting for the clerk for an hour while the he was helping all the white people even though she was there first. Also, if a white person ...

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