Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet

Act 3 scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most important scenes. It represents the climax to the love story and the beginning of the tragedy. My essay is about the dramatic effectiveness of the scene and the impact it has on the audience through the action and language used.

 Act 3 scene 1 is the climax of the play. Many things happen in this scene that will influence the rest of the play, for example, when Mercutio dies the play changes from a romance story to a tragedy, Mercutio being the character that lightens up the play. When he dies the audience knows that all the good things have now gone and only bad can become of it. It is very symbolic. Also, when Romeo kills Tybalt, he is banished. This makes the audience wonder if this could be the end of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. This adds more dramatic effectiveness. It is a turning point.

 The scene before act 3 scene 1 is where Romeo and Juliet get married. It is a very quiet and romantic scene, set in a church, giving it more of a religious theme to it. Act 3 scene 1 contrasts with this as it is a fight scene and it is performed immediately afterwards. In this scene there are a lot of people and it is very busy and noisy. In act 2 scene 6 there are only 3 people and it is very quiet and surreal. This contrast has a dramatic effect on the audience. Act 3 scene 1 is a fight scene, set in a street. There are no restrictions and the characters are all at risk of getting hurt. There is a lot of violence involved, causing the deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt. Act 3 scene 2 also contrasts with it. Act 3 scene 2 is when Juliet is missing Romeo and is urging him to return to her and to confirm their marriage. It is also quiet and romantic. Juliet is alone and the mood of the scene feels very light and happy as opposed to the previous scene where it is filled with sadness and hatred. Act 2 scene 6 is set at night, when it is cooler than during the day, which could give the impression of further calmness and clarity.

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 Shakespeare has set the play in Verona, Italy. This is because Italians were considered to be hot blooded in Shakespeare’s time. Also, Italy is usually very hot. And Shakespeare’s audience would have believed that the heat caused madness and insanity. He changes the time of year it is set from the original ‘Romeus and Juliet’ written in 1562. Shakespeare’s version is set in the summer because it is a hotter time of year. Another reason Shakespeare set the play in Italy was because Italians were known to have family feuds, this gives the play a sense of realism. Furthermore Queen ...

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