Romeo And Juliet

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Yasfer Yousuf

GCSE English/English Literature

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Who or What is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Fate is an event or a course of events that will inevitably happen. The Elizabethan people and indeed Queen Elizabeth I were superstitious and believed fate and destiny controlled your life. Shakespeare however thought fate and destiny was an irrational idea, and believed people took control of their own life. Yet Shakespeare would not be able to say this in public for the reason that it may offend The Queen’s beliefs on fate. Therefore, when Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet he made it a debate. It asked the people if people actions controlled your life was it fate and destiny that controlled it.


Romeo and Juliet could have died because of fate or their deaths could have been because of a series of actions from other characters. If true the blame can go to many people one being Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence’s first mistake was to trying to intervene between the two rival families. He concocts a plan to bring peace when Romeo informs him of his love of Juliet:

‘In one respect I’ll thy be assistant for this alliance may be happy so to turn your two households’ rancour to pure love’. (A2S3L90)

After a series of events that foils Friar Lawrence’s plot, he changes it:

                        ‘Come I’ll dispose this thee among of holy nuns’ (A5S3L157)

He says this after his second daring plan to re-unite Romeo and Juliet fails and Romeo kills himself. On top of his failure to re-unite Romeo and Juliet, he runs away from the tomb in fear of facing others:

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                                        ‘I dare no longer stay’ (A5S3L159)     

If he did not try to interfere in the affair of Romeo and Juliet even though he knows, there is ‘a greater power than we can contradict’ (A5S3L153). Therefore, if he did not try to work against fate and destiny Romeo and Juliet may not have died.

The Nurse is Juliet’s carer. She has been with Juliet since birth and therefore is closer to Juliet than Lady Capulet is. She is supposed to guide Juliet however; the Nurse misleads her that leads to Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. She led both ...

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