Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo And Juliet

William Shakespeare, the famous playwright wrote the well known play Romeo And Juliet. The play was written over 400 years ago, but is still much loved by its modern day audiences as it was by the elizebethan audiences of shakespeare's time. Even though times have changed drastically since the play was first written, its themes and events are still relevent in todays society. Romeo and Juliet was written in a way which gave it the power to entertain an audience. Everybody could at least relate to one thing in the play, as the play has many themes. The themes of the play were used to attract the audience in many different ways. The themes which attract the most attention are hatred, love and death. No matter how much society changes, these three things will always remain. That is why i think the people of today still relate to Romeo and Juliet as certain things from the play are relevant in their everyday lives.

The play has a certain amount of mystery to it, the audience just doesn't know what to expect next, there are happy times in the play which are then followed by misery.

All of these things add together to create the atmosphere that the play has, without the atmosphere there wouldn't be much of an audience.

One of the main themes which runs all of the way through the play is the feuding families. The families have a divide between them and Romeo and Juliet cross that divide, willing to face any consequences which might come their way. The families have total hatred toward eachother, which is the negative side toward shakespeare's love story. Without the family feud Romeo and Juliet would be able to live happily, so i think Shakespeare included the negativity as an obstacle for Romeo and Juliet, and to show that love doesn't always turn out perfectly.

I think the Elizebethans, as well as modern audiences would have loved to watch the fast moving fight scenes which are due to the family feud. Also some of the audience may of been able to relate to the feud in certain ways, Elizebethan or modern. The feud also catches the eye of the modern day audiences as it can be quite amusing in the modern versions of Romeo and Juliet.

The Elizebethan society was a very patriarchal one. The fathers used to look upon their daughters as their 'property'.

"sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender of my childs love: I think she will be ruled in all aspects by me: nay more, I doubt it not."
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Capulet, Juliets father believes that Juliet is his property, and that he has the right to rule what she does in her life. Women of the Elizebethan times had little power, even though they were ruled by a queen. Capulet believed, without a doubt that if he told Juliet to do something she would go ahead and do so.

The elizebethan females watching Romeo and Juliet would all have been able to relate to this matter as most of their marriages probably would have been arranged.

"It is an honour that i dream not of"


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