Romeo and Juliet.

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        When we first meet Romeo, a lovesick young man infatuated with Rosalyn confronts us. However, during the course of the play, and as a result of his growing love for Juliet, he is increasingly forced to take responsibilities for himself and his actions. By the end of the play he is a very different and mature man from the boy we first encountered.

        Romeo, son of lord Montague, is a very well known and respected person. Even his sworn enemies, the Capulet speak highly of him. We see that in the play Romeo and Juliet there are many continuous inner struggles. Romeo’s character undergoes several changes in the course of the play’s action. At first he’s pictured as a typical youth smitten by love. We find this out whilst his father’s talking to benvolio in act 1 scene 1. His father’s description of him in effect is a description of a troubled child who is shutting the world out. “Many a morning hath he there been seen, with tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew, adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs”… “Away from light steals home my heavy son, and private in his chamber pens himself, shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, and makes himself an artificial night”. This implies to us that there is something most certainly wrong with Romeo at this point, as this isn’t normal behaviour. He seems to be hiding away and not socialising with anyone. There is definitely something on his mind that he isn’t sharing with anyone else, and it is affecting his character. Both benvolio and Romeo’s father are concerned about Romeo as he is now, due to his depressive behaviour. He is keeping to himself and is shunning the company of others. He stays out late and has a tendency to appear love-sick and dejected..

        Near the end of act1 scene 1 we meet Romeo for the first time. He is in a conversation with Benvoilio and is still in a very depressed mood. He isn’t in touch with reality and doesn’t really know what’s what. When told what time of the day it is by benvolio he replies “Ay me, sad hours seem so long” indicating to us that time is going by much more slowly for him due to his sadness. Also in this conversation, Romeo compares love to a kind of smoke and says, “Love is a smoke constructed from the fumes given off by sighs”. Romeo has used a metaphor to describe love and he has perceived it well. He states that love is smoke cloud created by sighing when people are in love, and the more you sigh the bigger the cloud gets.

        As the conversation between Romeo and benvolio progresses, we learn that Romeo is in love with a Capulet girl named Rosalyn. We also learn that the source of his depression and unusual behaviour is due to the fact that she doesn’t have any feelings towards him. “She’ll not be hit with cupid’s arrow,” says Romeo, and this simply means that she won’t fall in love with him. This has left him emotionally shattered, unsociable and has changed his personality entirely. Benvolio isn’t too fond of Romeo’s new character and wants the old Romeo back. He asks Romeo to forget about Rosalyn and says “be ruled by me: forget to think of her”.

By saying this benvolio is asking Romeo to listen to him and to forget about Rosalyn. Romeo simply replies “o, teach me how I should forget to think,” meaning he doesn’t know how to stop thinking of her. In response to this benvolio remarks “by giving liberty in to thine eyes: examine other beauties.” By this he means he wants Romeo to let his eyes roam around and look at other pretty girls.

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        In this scene we see a very immature side of Romeo. He pines for Rosalyn, proclaiming her the paragon of women and despairing at her indifference towards him. Romeo’s Rosalyn induced histrionics seem rather juvenile. Romeo is a great reader of love poetry, for example, in a sample from the text he says “ alas that love, whose view is muffled still, should without eyes see blindly into his will.” The portrayal of his love for Rosalyn suggests he trying to recreate feelings he has read about. At first glance Romeo appears as a somewhat lovesick and irritating teenager that ...

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